Christmas Traditions 2024
By Soller Shirley Is it just me or is there something very dark about ‘the…
By Soller Shirley Is it just me or is there something very dark about ‘the elf on the shelf’. The scout elf sits there watching and listening all day, and then reports back to Santa in the North Pole every evening. ‘He knows is you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake’….
By Soller Shirley The class of 2022 have imaginative, innovative people amongst them, and this is the story of one couple. Jamie, Constanze and little Athea are new arrivals to the Soller Valley. They love this world and their rural life, 15 minutes from the centre of Soller. They are embracing everything and determined to…
By Soller Shirley Do these numbers make for a Village or a Town? Soller is of course a City by the gift of King Alfonso, but few like to hold on to that official designation. So, Village or Town what is the criteria? Village life usually mean you largely know who your neighbours are and…
332 daily letters from Soller have been published on Sollerweb Facebook in 2024. Every day ‘Dear Soller Friends’ hits the page, and hundreds read every day. The total daily view is difficult to quantify. Some of you press ‘like,’ some you are part of our ever-expanding group of ‘followers’, some do not register in any…
By Soller Shirley The world of work concerns my brain today. I have been observing as friends, changing jobs in 2025, are negotiating on terms I would never have thought would happen. In my working life employment experiences have been in the corporate world, family-owned businesses and in my own company. All of them required…
By Soller Shirley At the weekend the clocks went back, and a new season began in the Soller Valley. This is the one that takes some getting used to as it ushers in the new chapter of the year. Many local people have completed their summer contracts and November begins the month of holidays. Some…
By Soller Shirley One question hitting the Sollerweb postbag currently is to do with the Ceremony. The majority of people marrying in Mallorca are having a Wedding Blessing. They do the legal civil ceremony in their home country. Some then choose to come to Mallorca and have a Wedding Blessing. Many prefer to use this…
By Soller Shirley Village houses in Soller of a certain size have an ‘Entrada’ on the ground floor. For those who love the cobbles of an original entrada it is a throwback to the days when it was not unusual to find the odd goat, sheep or pig wintering there. These days some designers preserve…
By Soller Shirley Hidden behind the mountains of the Tramuntana and at the end of the tunnel lies our city Soller, the gateway to the Hidden Valley in all its beauty. Not everyone is a fan, indeed many find the parochial charms very limiting. Phrases like ‘you can’t live on scenery alone’ are to be…
By Soller Shirley A perfect horseshoe bay with lighthouses on both sides as it turns seawards. Each beach area has its own local name and its own fans. Some will never go anywhere but the Repic Beach, others love the sands outside the Esplendido, others the Es Traves beach in front of the Fergus. The…