Sollerweb – What is it?
A radio interview took us to a new place this week as Sollerweb has become a bit of a news item all of its own. An American radio station called us to ask about the growth of our local website. They had been charting our progress and reading the blogs on the Tramuntana section and were intrigued. The representation of the Soller Valley and the amazing stories of the people and the history of the area have caught their imagination.
We explained that we are simply living a Soller Valley life and love the area, the people and the opportunities this place gives us. Sollerweb was created to bridge the information gap that existed here. The calendar of events and the daily reporting of events and happenings on the social media side of Sollerweb has connected thousands of people to this place. The Sollerweb site links residents, visitors and those who like to read the stories and we are very happy that it is receiving worldwide attention.
Sollerweb is an independent business which does not receive funding or sponsorship from the local council or any government body – we are not a charity. We are creating new interest in our area and generating business for the companies in the Soller Valley and beyond.
For more information of how your business can be part of the Sollerweb success story please contact us on info@sollerweb.com – we will be delighted to talk to you.