Sollerweb was born 18 months ago and the roller coaster of events has been so breathtaking that sometimes we have to force ourselves to stop and take stock. Tracey Ivell, web designer of this parish bought the web name ‘Sollerweb’ in 2007 and knew one day when she would use it as a launch pad to the Soller Valley. I started writing in my alter ego ‘Soller Shirley’ five years ago and began a blog which told people of events and happenings in the Soller Valley from my own eccentric perspective. The combination of the two is what allowed Sollerweb to burst onto our little stage.
Today –In May 2015 – we are enjoying every moment of the development of our concept. The website statistics show that our followers and readers increase in their thousands daily. So many people are enchanted by the happenings in this glorious corner of the world. Our readership covers the holidaymaker, home owners of the Valley, current and potential relocaters, businesses, events organisers and local people who just want to have a read. We also have a USA blog following of over 50,000 who love the stories of the Tramuntana.
This month marks our link with Radio One Mallorca and we are very excited about this. Radio One is the eyes and ears of Mallorca and working with us takes them into the Soller Valley. Have a look at their website and you will find links to the Events Calendar of www.sollerweb.com on their front page. The benefit of this connection to the events of the Soller Valley is very exciting. A regular radio slot telling the Soller stories and highlighting the events is also coming up. I (I loved my first radio chat on the Frank Leavers show).
Sollerweb is constantly evolving and we are enjoying the ‘journey’ – thank you for joining us, reading us and supporting www.sollerweb.com.