It’s time to harvest the olives…

Soller Oil is a unique product. Grown where the land receives no watering except that which comes from the sky. The roots search for water and spread as wide as is possible. The nutrients gathered by the rooting process produces an olive unlike any other. Commercial olive farms with watering machines produce a completely different olive and cannot be compared.

Soller people know their Olives and over 50 local olive producers are gathering them in ready for the pressing at the local pressing station at the Agricole of Sant Bartholomew.

This years harvest is likely to yield 25 tons of olives which exceed the quality criteria in place to protect the product. 

This will be marketed under the brand name ‘Oil Soller’.

The current campaign is the second that is under the seal of quality ‘Olive DO Mallorca’, which includes the production of 50 farmers managing 36,000 trees planted on 263 hectares. The olives are hand collected between September and February and then sold packaged in three varieties: whole green and black broken.

Information and photograph courtesy of Veu de Soller

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