332 daily letters from Soller have been published on Sollerweb Facebook in 2024.
Every day ‘Dear Soller Friends’ hits the page, and hundreds read every day. The total daily view is difficult to quantify. Some of you press ‘like,’ some you are part of our ever-expanding group of ‘followers’, some do not register in any way. Your catch up with the Soller day is your ‘guilty secret’.
I am one of 13500 people who are registered as living in the Soller Valley. If everyone wrote a daily published letter, readers would have a great social history of our world.
This community is made up of local people who were born here and the rest who have blown in from somewhere.
As a Londoner I am well used to communities changing with all the nationalities who joined the ‘London Locals’ in my lifetime. I am familiar with their expat loneliness and how hard it was at the beginning of their relocation to North London. My childhood was full of learning to live alongside everyone else doing the same. My Kentish Town street had a huge mix of Irish, Jamaican, Cypriot, Polish and Indian families. My childhood years were a cultural melting pot. This prepared me well for any other move I was to make in my lifetime and certainly for my life in Soller.
Sollerweb readers understand the Soller world through the lens of Tracey Ivell and me. To our absolute delight our following grows every day, and you seem to love our work!!
So, on day 332 of 2024, Sollerweb carries on telling its tales, and you continue reading. What more can we ask for? xx
Pic by Gary Lloyd Rees

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