‘The corporate banking world of the Royal Bank of Canada opened many doors for us and started us on our adventures away from the suburbs of Sussex. City of London opportunities meant that the hop across the world to Toronto happened at the time our children were grown enough to make their own choices. The commute to work in the UK was an hour and a half so that was the criteria we used for our Canadian relocation. We ended up living in the wild with land and beauty all around us and a husky for a companion.
Work colleagues thought we were mad – no-one travelled that far to work each day in Canada.

Australia next on the list to oversee a special project in Sydney with all the benefits that the corporate world could throw at us. View of the harbour, boat for leisure and weekends and a commute by fast ferry to work. We were already Canadian in our hearts and knew we would go back when this exciting assignment was over. We packed into three years a visit to all the places in Australia that locals would take twenty years to do. We were determined to see just everything.
Then back to Canada to a new home in the small town of Bayfield, Ontario. We live in paradise on the shores of Lake Huron and share our space with many visitors who just love what we have got here. Snow, lots of it is a given and sunsets and beauty is our pleasure every day. Early retirement was a gift and we threw ourselves into Bayfield life.
Less than a thousand in resident population mean that we are always busy and involved in community and charitable activities. Raising money for the Hospice project in the area is currently taking our time and Kate’s work as a Bereavement Councillor is a great help in the planning.
This is us and the question is why do we leave this paradise and head for Soller for two months every year – in the winter? We love our life in Bayfield and we also love to travel and have an intensive injection of Europe every year. We are originally from the UK and as we walk the streets of London every year we see how we have changed. We are so used to space now that London seems more crowded and chaotic every-time we return. The clarity of the air, the beauty of each day is just what we are used to now. This is the reason that Gary travels everywhere with his trusty camera. He has pictures published in many places including Canada and Soller too.
Mallorca was recommended to us and Soller in particular when we were visiting family in Spain. The rest is history and for a number of years now we have taken up a two
month residence and absorb ourselves in the beauty and atmosphere of this unique place.
Our only problem here is the driving down the narrow Soller streets – we are so used to the wide open roads.
Bayfield and Soller have much in common and these days we are delighted to be equally at home in both.’
Kate & Gary from Bayfield and Soller
Photographers of the Soller Valley and other parts of beautiful Mallorca
Photographs by Gary Lloyd-Rees