By Soller Shirley
One question hitting the Sollerweb postbag currently is to do with the Ceremony.
The majority of people marrying in Mallorca are having a Wedding Blessing. They do the legal civil ceremony in their home country. Some then choose to come to Mallorca and have a Wedding Blessing. Many prefer to use this date, ever after, as the date of their actual wedding.
Wedding planners have Celebrants on their team and there are independent celebrants who also do a great job. However it is simply not true to say that it is too complicated to have a Vicar or a Priest to do the same in a Church building.
Disappointed couples often contact to ask if there is a way to have a Vicar conduct their Wedding Blessing. They had been told that it is Celebrants only who work in the hotels and venues on the island.
This is simply not true. A Vicar or a Priest are the only ones allowed to have ceremonies in Church buildings. However, they can also perform ceremonies in all other locations.
So, if this is what you have been told, challenge your wedding planner. The Vicars and Priests on this island are happy to perform your wedding blessing ceremony – wherever you choose to have it.