The Batucada – The Sound of Soller in 2014
A year ago the music of the BATUCADA burst on to the Soller scene. Street music, party music and much more.
The simple definition of Batucada would be a percussion jam session, but that doesn’t begin to describe the awesome power a tight ensemble is capable of producing. Percussion is the bare bones of samba, but the larger bateria (percussion group) ensembles within the samba schools make breathtakingly complex walls of sound. The throbbing heartbeat of the surdo drum (somewhere between a bass drum and a tom-tom) underpins rattling snares, layers of hand-held percussion instruments such as agogôs (bells), ganzás (metal tubes filled with beads that you shake), tambourims (a bit like small tambourines which you hit with a split stick), and the panting, surreal shrieks and moans of the cuíca, a friction drum.
The Batucada group practices on Mondays and Friday in the Victoria Cultural Centre in Soller from 18.00 – 20.30 pm. Miquel and Nico seen here in the picture are the musician leaders of the group. Currently they have 50 members and they are growing …
The samba musicians with their nifty footwork are great fun..
Look out for them in Soller over the holidays – you will certainly hear them. New members welcome talk to Miquel or Nico.
Photograph courtesy of Veu de Soller